Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Quinn - Material, Alechemy, Color, Light

The majestic shirt jelly in its natural habitat. I just wanted to make something silly; I definitely wasn't feeling up to making "real" art when I sat down to do this.

I got a number of comments in class to the effect that this shirt looks like something one could buy in a store. This distresses me. While of course I was going for a professional level of quality, the very idea of this piece is that I am rejecting the notion that we as individuals should be purchasing our outward appearances from companies. A friend went so far as to tell me this shirt looked like something "bros" might wear to go "clubbing." I think it was meant as a compliment, but that's not how I took it.

Then perhaps I've failed at designing a truly original piece of clothing? I need to wear it around for a couple of months and bond with it before I can make this judgment.

Well, at least I'm succeeding in rejecting the image mass-marketed to Americans by The Gillette Company.


EDIT (12/20): a better shirt jelly picture.

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