Sunday, September 7, 2008

6-Ryan (Tom)- Art is nothingness

We will never be able to agree on even the most simplistic definition of what art is because, like so many other aspects of our lives, art means vastly different things to different people. Even two people who feel they have similar tastes in art will never see the same thing in any given work. Art relates to each of us in different ways including life expirences, self images, and innate attractions. For instance I like blue. Asking me to define art is like asking me why I like blue. Blue just evokes somthing in my core that I could never put into words. For me, art is that same blue feeling in my soul. Art brings me closer to the moment, but I just cant place my finger on the feeling. There are no words for it, and I kinda like it that way. I just think of it as nothingness, which is alos different to each person.


brownfoundations said...

I agree with everything you say and share the same view that art is different to all and is undefinable, in that aspect; however, in my opinion, there could be a better term than "nothingness"- to me, art would instead represent everything that one is unable to put into words or expression- more like "everythingness", to put it sort of crudely!

brownfoundations said...

I agree with both of you. I wrote my definition starting with "I believe.." because everyone has their own definition and I realize that mine is different from everyone else's. Hilary - I like your use of "everythingness" rather than "nothingness." Art is really everything (to me, anyway)!

- Kristen